Zyber reviews website performance all the time and too often we see websites where content has been forgotten about, or updates that were planned were never implemented resulting in out dated, irrelevant information. From what we see, we are certainly of the frame of mind that outdated content is worse than no content at all.
Designing and launching your new website is great – but its not the end of the road. Business is generated through your site by the content of your pages – how relevant it is to what someone is looking for and how much value they get from it. The relevancy of content is not just determined by its substance, but also its age – what would a website company know about web design if their last blog post was in 2012?
Below are some simple techniques to help your business website stay relevant, and let visitors know that you are on the cutting edge of advancements in your industry!
Integrate a Website Blog
This is an obvious one, you are afterall reading this blog post. Having a blog is one of the most efficient ways of adding new content to your website on a regular basis. Use it as a platform to communicate new products, services or updates about your company. Blogs are typically informal communication mediums, so don’t worry if you are not a professional writer, just keep your messages clear and concise.
Nothing of note happening with the company this month? Just think of the industry that you are in and what your customers might be looking for online. You may talk about upcoming industry activities or give an opinion on news stories related to your business. Whatever topic you choose to post on your blog, it will help you establish a position as one of the ‘voices’ in the industry. Saying that you conduct a service is one thing – showing people that you are genuinley involved in the developments of that service requires a bit more credibility.
Post Images and Videos
Having a gallery page in your website is a good way for you to regularly add fresh content and at the same time showcase what you have to offer. Whenever you complete a project, you can post photos of it in the gallery page. By doing so you are keeping your website updated and interesting too. You may also post video clips that can range from short tutorials to detailed product demos. To help search engines find your photos and videos, add a short description for each one. Put in some keywords if you can too.
Integrate Testimonials from Customers in Your Website
Another efficient way to add fresh content to your website is to add client testimonials about your products and services. Be creative, try video testimonials, or encourage happy customers to take photos of themselves with your product and share on social media like Instagram or Facebook. Get customers to post positive feedback on your Google+ Business page, and those reviews will not only show on your social page, but also come up in Google search results.
Be Conscious Of Your Content
More content on your website shows visitors you are keeping your business up to date, and it is also a qulaity indicator for Google when performing search engine ranking. However, be careful you are not adding and changing content just for the sake of it – if content isn’t valuable to the end user, your website will struggle to convert quality business. Ensure you are only adding content that is relevant to your customers. For example, a company with a technical product may include resource pages that are regularly updated with the latest product support and version logs.
Need additional advice on content updates that could help your website? Have a chat with a Zyber business consultant.