How George & Willy’s Mobile Conversion Rate Increased 85%

How George & Willy’s Mobile Conversion Rate Increased 85%

How Google+ Can Help Your SEO Strategy. Reading How George & Willy’s Mobile Conversion Rate Increased 85% 1 minute Next 5 Reasons to Implement a Customer Loyalty Program to Your Store.

We wrote a case study about George & Willy, who provide well-made, quality products for workspaces and the home. Their products adhere to a ‘buy once, buy well’ ethos – designing with the idea that their products inspire spaces and encourage creativity.

George & Willy have had an 85% increase in mobile conversion rate working with Zyber.

This result is truly outstanding and we’re proud to be working alongside this awesome brand. Let’s explore how we changed their ecommerce store for the better.

See our detailed case study by clicking the button below!