As a Business, your website is an essential tool and serves as multiple employees wrapped into one vital resource.
Lead generation is the bread-and-butter of digital business. The foundation of lead gen is to warm potential customers/clients up to your company so they want to hear from you.
Check out our 11 steps to generate leads.
1. Complete a Conversion Audit
Is your website designed to convert traffic. Not everyone knows how to design a website for conversions. Sure, you may have all bells, whistles and latest features - but whether or not your website generates leads pretty clearly indicates whether it actually does it’s job. As conversion rate experts, we know how to identify problems and make changes to correct them.
Already had an audit done and needing to improve the conversion rate of a product page? Check out this article for 13 ways to improve your product page.
2. Use Call Tracking
If you’d like to know exactly what callers searched for, what they clicked and how they came to be on the phone to you, implement call tracking. Determining what sources produced the most leads via phone calls to guide future activity and optimise your website & marketing.

3. Identify where visitors are scrolling & clicking
Use a heat-map or other tool to identify where people are scrolling and what they are clicking on. This will help guide you to reposition your website and offers from dead zones to areas that attract clicks. Test multiple call-to-action locations and know for sure which ones are being viewed and clicked on. Apps such as Lucky Orange are great options for heat mapping.
4. Analyse Google Analytics Data
If your Google Analytics is set up optimally, an analysis will indicate where your leads are coming from on your site, direct your budget allocation for sources and highlight content to emphasise. Eliminate poorly performing traffic sources and scale up the marketing efforts that are driving the greatest success. If you’re just starting out on Google Analytics, check out our Introduction to Google Analytics.
5. Post Forms on Top Pages
Ensuring website visitors can easily access and complete the lead gen form is paramount for increasing the number of viable leads through your website. You may not need a form on every page, but having a form on the pages that get the most traffic will drive the chances of conversion. Some pages may be excellent lead generators and you don’t even realise it.6. Add photos, testimonials and reviews for Credibility
Testimonials and reviews increase credibility. Add rich media like photos and videos to nurture trust with prospects and build a positive relationship.
7. Avoid Cookie-Cutter Website Templates
A customised site is more professional, memorable and able to generate leads. Invest in the best possible website you can afford, and make sure the page’s purpose is clear up front so the designer can use their expertise to ensure it is optimised to generate leads. A well designed website also increases trust and customer confidence.
8. Include contact number, location & address
Show off your location, tell prospects where they can find you and give them a number to contact you on. These details further foster trust and confidence, so they’ll be more likely to fill out a form and get in contact with you.
9. Make Your Website Mobile Friendly
A no-brainer in the modern era. Mobile site speed and functionality is paramount to ranking well on Google and improves the prospects perception of the company and brand. Ensure your website is optimised for mobile, in all areas of user experience. One of our clients had an 85% increase in mobile conversion rate by focusing on mobile functionality. Read the Case Study here.
10. Optimise Your Call-to-Actions
Use contrasting colours and clear labels for your call-to-actions. Test different types of CTA’s such as ‘Connect on Social’ CTA’s, ‘Subscribe for Updates’ CTA’s, Etc. Personalise your CTA’s to improve the user experience. Dynamic content and on-page personalisation helps you generate more leads.